Open Your Heart // Creating Space to Tune In預覽

Do You Think I Love This World?
My daughter, look now. Look at Me. Raise your head again.
I come for you.
What do you want to ask Me? Can I tell you the desire of your heart? I know you tire of staying in the same place. I know you are tired of looking at this world—but oh, how I love it.
Can I tell you how much I love this world?
I love each bit of it. The cracks in the sidewalk, the pebbles mixed in desert sand. This is the landscape through which I walk. I walk where I want you to see. I walk through villages and down crowded streets. I sit at wells and wait and I walk up mountains and sit on hills next to quiet seas.
I see beneath the facades, the walls my children build. I enter in with permission, and I long to make my home. I keep walking and knocking and waiting and listening. I know my home. I know my Father. I am Spirit who moves in you and wants to stay. And when you let Me in, and I stay, I remove the walls. I let you see beyond this world to what exists in it to save it.
I have come to save the world, and there are children who still do not know. They don’t know there is a dream beyond food for their stomachs and a place to lay their head when they tire.
I am Home without walls.
I am Home so you can rest here and see more of the things I see. Someday you will understand. You will see more. I give you glimpses, and I let your heart imagine the possibilities of true freedom, true love, true joy, true rescue. Oh, the day I come again! But you don’t have to wait to receive my Spirit. And when you receive it, I equip you to paint the landscape anew for children who don’t yet know Me in their hearts.
Oh, daughter, I love the world.
I love these children. I love you. I come to rescue. I come to save. I come to love. I come to liberate children who are trapped and see no way of escape.
I come.
Open your heart.
I come.
Look in my eyes.
I come.
I am all you need, and I go ahead.
Let me give you new eyes, a new heart—fresh courage and faith so my loved ones, the world, who don’t yet see Me can see Me in you.
Yes, let them see Me in you.
And I will come to them, and they will know they are rescued and not forgotten, too.

There’s not much we need to do to encounter God–He’s all-powerful!–but our hearts can most tune into Him when we carve out time to be still and create open space for us to hear His small voice. This plan equips you to do both. Read along and see what the Holy Spirit might have here for you.