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Fake Or Follower預覽

Fake Or Follower

7 天中的第 3 天

All You Need Is Love

As followers of Jesus, we walk in a crazy dichotomy when it comes to love. On one hand, we begin to understand our own biases and experiences we bring when pondering love. On the other hand, we grow in awareness of the beautiful reality that we are wired for love, connection, and affection. God, as our Creator, made us to remain in relationship and unending union with Him, and He is the very Being of love. This brings me to a very important point: We don’t get to define love; it defines us. 

Love comes from God.

God is love.

Jesus demonstrated love through sacrifice.

To be clear, we are all from God whether we acknowledge it or not. There is a Creator over all of the created, yet not all of creation acknowledges Him—yet. Remember, Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to

the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

When we love one another, the very character and nature of God is seen in us—we become love for others. This is evidence that we are created by love and for love, but how do we know if it’s God’s love or our definition of love? If we are living in Him and He is living in us, then He has given us His Spirit, and His Spirit proves, or testifies, to us that He (in His great love) sent His Son.

When we receive this as truth, God is in us and we are in God; then we can know and rely on the love that God has for us. This love gives us courage and removes fear from our hearts. This love gives us confidence on the day of judgment because we know we are sons and daughters, loved by our Father in heaven, our great rescuer, who has secured our eternity here on earth and in heaven. “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” (1 John 4:18). Remember, we don’t define love; it defines us.


Are there misconceptions or lies that you’ve believed about love that God is unearthing? Think about what areas of your life are governed by fear and how the enemy is trying or has tried to use that fear to twist your definition of love.

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Fake Or Follower

Are you living “religiously” out of obligation and a desire to please others, or are you living with a passion to follow Jesus? This week, we will dig deep to ask our hearts and minds the tough questions. I pray that these seven devotionals will help you awaken to the love of Jesus Christ—because faking it can never compare to the joy we find when we truly follow Him.
