How To Thrive預覽

How To Survive THRIVE - Spiritually
Day 1: You Grow When You Choose To Become Unoffendable
“Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house.” - Fran Leibowitz
Are you someone who is easily offended? I used to be. I spent a lot of my time policing other people’s behaviour in an attempt to make this world less offensive to me. It was exhausting, and cost me some friendships.
Think of some issues that offend you.
Think of some people who offend you.
Often, being offended by someone or something is like a red light on the dashboard of a car. It’s a warning sign that you have some unresolved issue within yourself.
Take a few minutes to pray or journal. Not about WHAT offended you, but about WHY you were offended.
What is God drawing your attention to within yourself, not in others?
The Bible speaks about offense as something that will inevitably happen, and often from those closest to us. So how do we outgrow being easily offended? When I read today’s Scriptures about offense, I notice the following words:
- Forgive.
- Slow down.
- Bless them.
Choose one to do today, and ask God to help you become unoffendable.
Written by Jess Basson | UMH \ \ PM Pastor

In this 4 week plan, we explore scripture and Biblical principles to help you not just survive but thrive physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. Each day is designed to bring you hope and empower you to bring about change in your life, as you walk in the freedom of Christ. Through all seasons of life we remain encouraged by the transformational power of the Spirit within us to thrive.