Killing It: A Study Of 1 Corinthians預覽

When Paul says he did not preach with wisdom or eloquence it doesn’t mean he used poor logic or bad grammar—very much to the contrary.
It meant he deliberately identified with those of low status; and lived among them as a servant. He defied ‘conventional wisdom’ of making your life about getting ahead.
We preach “Christ crucified.”
In a world where honor was proof of merit, and shame was proof of worthlessness, Jesus experienced the deepest, most public, most de-humanizing shame known to the ancient world.
And this is what Paul leads with.
Either Jesus was not as great as they thought…
Or greatness is going to have to be re-defined.
Human flourishing is going to have to be re-defined.

Follow along as we reflect on the idea that #KillingIt is "killing us." This series will be inspired by the first 2 chapters of the book of 1 Corinthians, looking at Paul's intro into how to live a life in the way of the cross. "For the message of the cross if foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18