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A wife is a good thing

“Take my wife. Please.” For decades comedian Henny Youngman made a living off that line. It wasn’t just a gag. As with all comedy, there was enough truth in that contemptuous statement that enough husbands resonated with it and it became part of his brand. I doubt if too many women thought it funny.

I don’t think God does either. At the beginning of time, God noted that it was not good for the man to be alone, and so he made a helper suitable for him. Now many thousands of years later, together is still better than alone. A believing wife is a man’s faith encourager #1, his truth teller, comforter, image manager, and nurturer of children.

A good wife helps her guy better understand how the female half of the world thinks and operates. She is a great advisor on fashion, appropriate social behaviors, tending relationships, and how a home ought to look. Any husband can make a list of his wife’s failings (as she could his). A much better exercise is for every husband to take inventory of how richly God has blessed his life through his wife.

Men, say this with me: “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD” (Proverbs 18:22). Ask any widower.