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God's Great Passion For Unity

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Everything God Does Originates In Unity

When God set out to tell His story, He began by revealing Himself as an imaginative community of creativity. From the beginning, in the Genesis creation story, God describes His debut as a divine family at work—a family that becomes something powerful in their unity.

Genesis 1 tells us that “In the beginning God created the heavens and earth. Now the earth was formless and empty. Darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, let there be light and there was light” (Genesis 1:1–3 niv).

In the context of the whole Bible, there are three key players in this passage: God the Father as the creator, the Spirit of God hovering over the waters, and finally in verse three, God spoke. The Word. Jesus Himself, present at creation. All three members are there dancing, working, moving, and creating —in perfect community.

In this beautiful creation project, the three different “personalities” in the Godhead were one in essence and purpose. And as the clay took shape, it was clearly molded by many hands: “Let us make man in our image” (Genesis 1:26 esv, emphasis added). In His limitless wisdom and power, God reveals Himself as the climax of unity within diversity: the Trinity.

Fast-forward to another pivotal moment in Scripture where we see this divine family at work again. In Matthew 3, we read Jesus’ baptism story. Just like at creation, God the Father is present, speaking from heaven. The Holy Spirit descends as a dove, hovering again over water, and of course Jesus is there, the embodiment of the Word of God. But now, the scene looks very different. There is chaos again, but it’s a different type of chaos that needs forming and redemption. At first, this cosmic community gave order to creation, but in this scene, they are reordering creation. Jesus’ baptism was God’s announcement that the Messiah had come, marking the launch of Christ’s ministry. Not only was it a critical foreshadowing of the death and resurrection that Christ would soon experience, but also a profound echo to the Genesis story. The old was passing away and new creation was about to spring forth.

God’s initial work of creation originated in unity and God’s relaunching of new creation also began in unity. Everything God does originates in unity.

For more from Lucas Ramirez, visit here. 



God's Great Passion For Unity

With death on the cross knocking at His door, Jesus’ final prayers were spent on unity. But why? Of everything He could have prayed for, why did Jesus make unity the priority? Based on ideas from Designed For More book, join author Lucas Ramirez to discover God’s great passion for unity, why it must become a priority for us, and the role you play in becoming the answer to Jesus’ prayer!
