Trust in God’s Truth: Let the Lord Rid You of Fear預覽

It’s Okay to be Uncomfortable
My darling, I am not in the fear. I am in a new place, a separate place outside of it.
Step away, with Me.
There is refreshment here. A new place to stand. There is room to move, to breathe, to spread your arms wide, hands open, fingers stretched, head relaxed.
I have work for you to do with Me, yes. We will go and I will push you to lean on Me and trust Me and do things uncomfortable for you to do alone.
But you don’t go alone, my dear.
And when you are with Me in the place that could feel so uncomfortable and stress-filled, on your own—when you depend on your own strength, when you look to yourself for answers—you can rest and relax in my presence. You can head out into new territory with Me and not feel scared.
Sometimes I don’t tell you why it is I’ve asked for you to go to a place with Me. And that can feel uncomfortable, too. I know how you like answers.
But don’t not go to this new place with Me because fear grabs hold of your heart. Don’t let fear paralyze this girl-amazing-woman whom I love and adore so that fear is more powerful than this truth: I am here with you, holding your hand, not leaving your side. I am enough. My presence is enough. Where I take you is enough. You are free here, in this place with Me, outside of fear and no longer trapped.
Stand up straight, girl.
Stand up.
You are not made to cower and fret and wring your hands. You are made to walk with eyes up, head held high, so you can see the path I take you. Together we go, just one step at a time, and into territory that may be unknown but will be safe and familiar too . . . because I will be there.
And I am your home.

Holy Spirit tells us two things in this plan: "Stand up straight, girl" and "I am your home." He meets us in our fear and in our doubts with a deep message of encouragement and tenderness. Read along this week and be reminded that God is with you, in any season and in all things.