
Life Principles To Live By

36 天中的第 33 天

God Acts on Our Behalf

Life Principle 14: God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.

In this hurry-up world, waiting for anything can cause us to lose our temper and our good sense more often than we care to admit. Yet the Word of God insists we learn some of life’s greatest lessons while we wait. Though waiting rooms can be hard classrooms, God promises vast reward to those who wait for Him.

When we wait on God …

  • We discover His will.

God does not allow delay in giving us the desire of our hearts to lead us along. Rather, even as we wait, He reveals His will to us and works all things together for our good and His glory (Rom. 8:28). 

  • We receive supernatural energy and strength.

As God deepens our relationship with Him through times of waiting, He also increases our energy, faith, endurance, and strength (Isa. 40: 29-31).

  • We’re victorious in battle.

When we do things our way in our time, we end up defeated. But when we wait on God and obey His commands, He ensures our victory (Prov. 20:22).

  • We see the fulfillment of our faith.

Though others may encourage us to forge ahead instead of waiting on the Lord, we must remember He’s the only One who can truly help us and who will never let us down (Is. 49:23).

  • We witness Him working on our behalf.

While we actively wait, God actively works (Is. 64:4). Every single day, we have the greatest Mediator working on our behalf. And even when things seem to go wrong, He’s making sure that everything works according to His purpose. What a wonderful promise!

Although waiting can be one of the more difficult things in the Christian life, it’s not wasted time. God gives us instructions through periods of actively waiting, keeps us in step with His will, prepares us for His answers, and uses the time to sift our motives and strengthen our faith. When we choose to wait on Him, God will use the long pauses in our lives for our blessing—both large and unexpected—if we let Him.

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Life Principles To Live By

查理.史丹利博士(Dr. Charles Stanley)在其60多年的事奉中,忠實地點出了30項生活原則,這些原則一直指導、並幫助他增進對上帝的認識、服待和愛。 加入他的行列,讓他幫助你更深入探索每一項原則,教導你每天如何實踐它,並帶領你享受基督渴望給予你的豐盛生命。


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