Your Best Us: Marriage Is Easier Than You Think預覽

Your Best Us: Marriage Is Easier Than You Think

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Practice Your Promise

Last year in the United States, we spent 72 billion dollars on wedding ceremonies. While wedding days are special days, marriage is not about the big day—it’s about the everyday. 

Think about it: we promised our spouse some pretty amazing things, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in heath, for better or for worse, and till death do us part. We convinced another person they could trust us with their heart…for life. 

If our spouse is going to know kindness on a daily basis, we have to choose to be consistently kind. If our spouse is going to know grace on a daily basis, we have to choose to give grace. If they are going to know thoughtfulness, laughter, intimacy, protection, we have to choose to give them these things. We have to practice what we promised. 

And the great news is that this plays itself out in really practical ways. 

If your spouse loves gifts, buy them one. If your spouse tends to like sex more often than you, have more sex. If your spouse loves words of encouragement, write them a note. If your spouse loves affection, be affectionate apart from sex. If your spouse wants you to spend time with them, carve out the time. Whatever speaks love to your spouse, speak it. 

When you love our spouse, even when they are irrational, even when their baggage creates an unfair tension, even when they are simply not that lovable, it is powerful for your marriage because it helps you to become... YOUR BEST US.

Action Step

Today choose one small way to practice what you promised on your wedding day. 


God help me to remember my spouse’s face on the day we said "I do" so that I can practice what I promised. 

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To read more about becoming Your Best Us, pick up the book on sale at



Your Best Us: Marriage Is Easier Than You Think

You and your spouse are unique. There has never been another US just like the two of you. No matter where you currently find your US, you can experience more moments of awesome and fewer moments of awful. And it’s easier than you think. Through humor, transparency, biblical wisdom, research, and practicality, Ted Lowe guides you through four, doable, easy-to-understand habits that will help you become... Your Best US . 
