Mark 12
1Alta yaka yiem kopa parables. Ikt man mamook midlite olallie stick kopa yaka illahe, pe mamook kalahan, pe mamook klawhap spose kah kokshut olalie, pe mamook saghalie house, pe yaka lend kopa klaxta kloosh nanitch, pe yaka klatawa kopa siah illahe.
2Pe alta okoak olalie chako fire, pe yaka mash ikt man spose iskim olalie kopa yaka illahe.
3Pe okoak klaxta kloosh nanitch illahe klaska mamook kokshut yaka, pe halo potlatch yaka olalie.
4Pe waght okoak Tyee mash ikt man, pe klaska kokshut yaka latet kopa stone, pe mash yaka klahoney.
5Pe waght yaka mash ikt man, pe klaska memaloost yaka; pe waght yaka mash hiyu, pe ikt ikt klaska kokshut, pe ikt‐ikt klaska memaloost.
6Pe okoak tyee klap tumtum, pe yaka mash yaka tenas, pe yaka wawa, “Alkie klaska kloosh nanitch nika tenas.”
7Pe alta klaska nanitch yaka, pe klaska konamoxt wawa, “kloosh nesika memaloost yaka pe alkie nesika okoak illahe.”
8Pe klaska iskim yaka pe memaloost yaka, pe mash yaka klahoney kopa okoak illahe.
9Ikta alkie okoak tyee mamook? Alkie yaka chako, pe mamook memaloose klaska, pe mamook midlite huloima kopa yaka illahe.
10Halo mesika read ikta Saghalie Tyee wawa, “okoak builders mash ikt stone, pe okoak stone alta chako elip kloosh stone kopa house.
11Saghalie Tyee mamook okoak, pe kakwa kwah kopa nesika seahoose.”
12Pe okoak mesatchie tillicum kumtux okoak yiem, kakwa spose mamook klahoney klaska mesatchie; pe klaska tikke iskim yaka, pe klaska kwass kopa okoak tillicum.
13Pe waght klaska mash okoak Pharisees pe okoak Herodians kopa yaka, spose klap ikta yaka tzeepie wawa.
14Pe alta klaska ko pe klaska wawa, “Tyee, nesika kumtux mika delate, pe halo mika kwass kopa klaxta man, kopet Saghalie Tyee mika kloosh nanitch; kahta mika tumtum, kloosh or halo kloosh spose potlatch chickamin kopa Caesar?
15Alkie nesika potlatch, or alkie nesika halo potlatch?” Pe Jesus kumtux klaska ipsoot klaska tumtum, pe yaka wawa; “lolo chickamin kopa nika spose alki nika nanitch.”
16Pe klaska lolo ikt penny. Pe yaka wawa kopa klaska, “klaxta okoak seahoose, pe tzum?” Pe klaska wawa “Caesars.”
17Pe Jesus kilapie wawa kopa klaska, “potlatch kopa Caesar Caesar's iktas, pe potlatch kopa Saghalie Tyee Saghalie Tyee's iktas.” Pe klaska kwah kopa yaka.
18Alta chako kopa yaka okoak Saducees, klaska wawa wake kahta memaloost tillicum waght midwhit; pe klaska wawa kopa yaka.
19“Tyee, Moses mamook tzum, spose ikt man memaloost pe halo yaka tenas, alki yaka ow iskim okoak klootchman, kakwa spose huy‐huy, okoak memaloost.
20Midlite sinamoxt ow kopa nesika, pe okoak elip ow iskim klootchman pe memaloost, pe halo yaka klap tenas.
21Pe waght ikt ow iskim okoak klootchman pe yaka memaloost pe halo yaka klap tenas; pe waght okoak ikt kakwa.
22Pe kanaway okoak sinamoxt iskim okoak klootchman pe halo klaska klap tenas, pe kyimta okoak klootchman memaloost.
23Spose midwhit konaway memaloost tillicum, klaxta alkie iskim yaka, kewa kanaway okoak sinamoxt konamoxt yaka kopa okoak illahe?”
24Pe Jesus kilapie wawa kopa klaska. “Mesika halo kumtux Saghalie Tyee wawa, pe kahta yaka skookum, kakwa mesika tzeepie;
25Kewa spose alkie kanaway memaloost tillicum midwhit, wake alkie klaska konamoxt married, pe alkie klaska kakwa okoak angels kopa Saghalie.
26Pe kopa okoak alkie midwhit memaloost tillicum halo mesika read ikta Moses tzum, kahta Saghalie Tyee wawa kopa yaka. Nika Saghalie Tyee kopa Abraham, kopa Isaac, pe kopa Jacob?
27Wake yaka Saghalie Tyee kopa okoak memaloost, yaka Saghalie Tyee kopa okoak halo memaloost; delate mesika tzeepie.”
28Pe ikt okoak Scribes kumtux kahta Jesus delate wawa kopa klaska, pe yaka wawa kopa Jesus, “ikta okoak elip wawa kopa okoak commandments?”
29Pe Jesus kilapie wawa, “okoak elip kopa okoak commandments, Kwahlan O Israel; kopet ikt okoak Saghalie Tyee;
30Kloosh mika hyas tikke Saghalie Tyee kopa kanaway mika tumtum, kopa kanaway mika soul, kopa kanaway mika latet, pe kopa kanaway mika skookum. Yaka okoak elip commandment.
31Pe okoak ikt wake siah kakwa, Kloosh mika hyas tikke mika tillicum kakwa mika self. Okoak commandment elip skookum kopa kanaway Saghalie Tyee wawa.”
32Pe okoak Scribe wawa kopa yaka, “Nawitka, Tyee, mika delate wawa, kewa kopet ikt okoak Saghalie Tyee;
33Pe spose man hyas tikke yaka, kopa kanaway yaka tumtum, pe kopa kanaway yaka latet, pe kopa kanaway yaka soul, pe kopa kanaway yaka skookum; pe waght tikke yaka tillicum kakwa yaka self, elip kloosh kopa kanaway burnt offerings pe sacrifices.”
34Pe Jesus kumtux kahta yaka delate wawa, yaka mamook kilapie wawa kopa yaka, “mika wake siah kopa Saghalie Tyee.” Pe halo klaxta waght wawa ikta kopa yaka.
35Pe Jesus waght yiem kopa Sunday house, pe yaka wawa kopa klaska. Ikta mamook okoak Scribes wawa Christ yaka Davids tenas?
36Kewa David wawa kopa Holy Ghost, Saghalie Tyee wawa kloosh mika midlite kopa nika right hand pe alki nika mash mika enemy keepwillie kopa mika lapee.
37Spose David wawa, nika Tyee yaka, kahta yaka waght wawa, nika tenas yaka? Pe okoak tillicum kloosh tumtum kopa ikta yaka wawa.
38Pe Jesus waght wawa, “kloosh nanitch okoak Scribes, klaska hyas tikke long coat, pe spose tillicum mamook keekwillie latet kopa klaska, kah klaska makook.
39Pe okoak elip kloosh le shase kopa Sunday house, pe okoak elip Saghalie kah Tyee potlatch mukamuk;
40Klaska kapswalla house kopa klahowya klootchman, pe ipsoot klaska masatchie, keekwillie kopa long pray; alkie klaska klap kahta klaska mesatchie.”
41Pe Jesus midlite wake siah kah tillicum mash chickamin, pe yaka nanitch ikt‐ikt tyee mash hiyu.
42Pe ikt klahowya klootchman, halo yaka man, yaka mash moxt tenas chickamin kakwa ikt farthing.
43Pe yaka wawa kopa yaka disciples, nanitch okoak klahowya klootchman, yaka mash elip hiyu kopa konaway klaxta.
44Kewa kanaway klaska mash tenas kopa klaska chickamin, pe okoak klahowya klootchman yaka mash delate kanaway yaka chickamin.
First published by the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1912.