Psalms 121
psalm CXXI
Tuin: French
1To hills on hie I’ll cast my e’e;
Whaur else is help for man?
2My help is ta’en frae God alane,
That made baith lift and lan’.
3Your feet He ne’er sal thole to steer,
Nor sleeps, that wairds ye weel;
4He dwaums nor sleeps, that siccar keeps
His waird owre Israel.
5The Lord’s your shield, the Lord a bield
Sal be upon your richt;
6The sun by day ye salna slay,
Nor e’en the mune by nicht.
7God sal ye waird, and He sal guaird
Your life frae ilka care;
8Baith oot and in the Lord sal win
Ye weel for evermair.
Metrical Psalms in Braid Scots, translated by Rev. T. T. Alexander published in 1928. This text is maintained by MissionAssist.