Psalms 6

First Version
Meter: 8,8,8,8
To the chief Musician on Neginoth upon Sheminith,
A Psalm of David.
1Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not;
Nor in thy hot rage chasten me.
2Lord, pity me, for I am weak:
Heal me, for my bones vexed be.
3My soul is also vexed sore;
But, Lord, how long stay wilt thou make?
4Return, O Lord, my soul set free;
O save me, for thy mercies' sake.
5Because those that deceased are
Of thee shall no remembrance have;
And who is he that will to thee
Give praises lying in the grave?
6I with my groaning weary am,
I also all the night my bed
Have caused for to swim; and I
With tears my couch have watered.
7Mine eye, consum'd with grief, grows old,
Because of all mine enemies.
8Hence from me, wicked workers all;
For God hath heard my weeping cries.
9God hath my supplication heard,
My pray'r received graciously
10Sham'd and sore vex'd be all my foes,
Sham'd and back turned suddenly.


Psalms 6: MP1650




