與 以賽亞書 41:10 相關的免費讀經計劃和靈修短文
Don't Settle For Safe
3 Days
If voices of insecurity, doubt, and fear are not confronted, they will dictate your life. You cannot silence these voices or ignore them. In this 3-day reading plan, Sarah Jakes Roberts shows you how to defy the limitations of your past and embrace the uncomfortable to become unstoppable.
Certainty In Times Of Uncertainty
5 Days
In the midst of uncertainty, God is certain! Join David Villa in his latest plan as he looks past uncertainty and negativity in order to reach something greater.
Grieving With Hope
5 Days
Grief is a human experience and no one is immune to it. We grieve when we lose someone or a dream dies. It can strike at any point and is often when we least expect it. We’ll dive into understanding grief and learn how to process the different kinds we’ll go through. Join in on the 5-day Plan so that you can get through your grief in a healthy way.
Hope for Wounded Hearts: Readings From Isaiah
5 Days
The book of Isaiah contains rich imagery, prophecies about the coming Messiah, and reminders of God’s faithfulness towards his people. The prophet Isaiah recounts God’s faithfulness to the Israelites and speaks of his hope in a future redemption through Jesus. On this plan, you will learn more about God’s justice and compassion and how he is present and near to those who are suffering.
Overcoming Thoughts of Suicide and Self-Harm
6 Days
If you feel hopeless, or you've experienced self-harm or suicidal thoughts, you need to know there's a God who loves you, has a purpose for you, and who's with you now. This six-day Life.Church Bible plan will help you understand who God says you are and empower your journey to healing. ***If you're in an emergency, please reach out to someone. Resources are included with each day's devotional.
Finding God's Truth In The Storms Of Life
10 Days
As Christians, we are not immune to troubles in this world. In fact, John 16:33 promises they will come. If you are facing the storms of life right now, this devotional is for you. It is a reminder of the hope that gets us through life's storms. And if you aren't facing any struggles in this moment, it will give you the foundation that will help you through future trials.