與 以弗所書 6:16 相關的免費讀經計劃和靈修短文
Can I Really Overcome Sin and Temptation?
5 Days
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why am I still wrestling with that sin?” Even the apostle Paul said as much in Romans 7:15: “I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” How do we stop sin from stopping our spiritual lives? Is it even possible? Let’s discuss sin, temptation, Satan, and, thankfully, God’s love.
The Armor of God
5 Days
Every day, an invisible war rages around you—unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your dreams, your destiny. His battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you're tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.
Living Changed: At Christmas
5 Days
In all the holiday hustle and bustle, it can be easy to lose sight of why we’re celebrating. In this 5-day advent plan, we’ll dive into the promises fulfilled by the birth of Jesus and the hope we have for the future. As we learn more about who God is, we’ll discover how to live through the holiday season with hope, faith, joy, and peace.
Living Changed: Embracing Identity
6 Days
With so many voices telling us who to be, it’s no wonder we struggle with where to place our identity. God doesn’t want us to be defined by our career, marital status, or mistakes. He wants His opinion to be the highest authority in our lives. This six-day plan will help you internalize what the Bible says about who you are and truly embrace your identity in Christ.
Bouncing Back From Disappointment
7 Days
Life has a way of getting us down. Whether it’s the loss of a job, a financial crisis, or a broken relationship, each of us knows the taste of disappointment. Knowing how to bounce back from these struggles is vital if we are to fully experience God’s provision and grace in our lives. In this series, Dr. Evans provides the biblical foundation for learning how to handle disappointment in our everyday lives.
The Quest
7 Days
In this 7-day reading plan, Beth Moore uses questions from Scripture to lead you into intimacy with the One who knows you best. The crooked punctuation mark at the end of a sentence speaks of curiosity, interest, and perhaps doubt. A question is an invitation to vulnerability, to intimacy. The Bible does not shy away from such an invite. Over and over we see the people of God asking questions of their Creator. We also see the God of the universe asking questions of His creation. The Quest is a challenge to accept the invitation. Learn to dig into the Word, to respond to the questions of God, and to bring your questions before Him. Let the crooked punctuation mark be the map that points you into a closer relationship with the Father.
Jesus: Our Banner of Victory
7 Days
When we celebrate Easter, we celebrate the greatest triumph in history. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, He forever defeated the power of sin and the grave, and all their resulting side effects, and He chose to share that victory with us. This Easter week, let’s dive into some of the strongholds He conquered, reflect on the fight He fought for us, and praise Him as our Banner of Victory.
La Biblia está viva
7 días
Desde el principio de los tiempos, la Palabra de Dios ha restaurado corazones y mentes de manera activa: Y Dios no ha terminado aún. En este Plan especial de 7 días, celebremos el poder que transforma vidas de la Escritura observando más detenidamente cómo Dios está usando la Biblia para impactar en la historia y cambiar vidas alrededor del mundo.
Scaling Leadership with Biblical Wisdom
8 Days
Scaling our leadership is critical today. We must enlarge, magnify, maximize, and grow our leadership capacity to navigate our ever-changing environment. Rapidly evolving technology, changing employee/team dynamics, and shifting economics are just some of the issues we encounter. But don't think scaling our leadership is just for the workplace. We must scale our leadership at home and in our relationships. Dive in today to gain practical, relevant leadership insight.
Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism
9 Days
The spiritual disciplines serve a specific role in the Christian experience—they lead believers to become more like Jesus in our thoughts, words, and actions. How does this translate into our call to show & share the love of Jesus with others? Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism includes eight of the spiritual disciplines designed to help you grow in your own faith in such a way that it will overflow to others!
His Great Sacrifice, Our Great Commission
10 Days
Travel a different road that leads to Easter this year. Start your journey with global missionaries in the Middle East and navigate the sights and sounds that will help you experience Easter from a whole new perspective. Experience anew why Jesus came to this earth--to save the souls of mankind.
12 Days
Is seeing believing? Or is believing seeing? Those are questions of faith. This plan offers in-depth study of faith—from Old Testament stories of real people who demonstrated courageous faith in impossible situations to Jesus’ teachings on the subject. Through your readings, you’ll be encouraged to deepen your relationship with God and to become a more faithful follower of Jesus.
14 天
歡迎大家來到禱告和禁食的季節。讓我們都花一 些時間和空間, 準備好聆聽來自神的聲音。當我 們在這禁食其間,我們專注地將目光定在耶穌身 上時,我們就能看到新的可能性,並會發現我們 的禱告有多強大。這段靈修來自以弗所書第六章 。我們在接下來幾天的禱告裡,會讓這些活生生 的話語重塑我們的心靈和思想,我們的禱告會得 到回應並在神的話語中與神相遇。
21 Days in Ephesians
21 Days
Ephesians is rich with truths about God and his saving work in us. This plan is designed to help you dig deeper into this text, while learning more about God and yourself. The daily six step rhythm will help you to establish a habit of reading and engaging with God’s Word. This plan is brought to you by the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). Learn more at CSBible.com.
21-Days of Praying for Friends
21 Days
Oftentimes we struggle to share the gospel with our friends. Either we are overcome with fear or don't know what to share. We all need a burden to reach our lost friends for Christ. This is a 21-day Bible reading plan that helps us meditate specifically on passages related to evangelism and is accompanied by a short prayer for each day for our friends.
A Jolt of Joy
31 Days
The Bible tells us that "in His presence is fullness of joy" and that "the joy of the Lord is our strength". Joy isn't simply another emotion; it is a fruit of the Spirit and one of the best weapons in your arsenal to fight against discouragement, depression, and defeat. Learn what the Bible has to say about joy, and strengthening yourself to become a defiantly joyful Christian.