Eve's Daughters - Life Lessons From Women In Scripture: Part 2 预览

Eve's Daughters - Life Lessons From Women In Scripture: Part 2



Who are you? 

Whether it’s our gender, ethnic background, occupation or marital status, we tend to define who we are based on one of these labels.

I struggled with being a female from my cultural background.  I was raised to believe that males were superior, as well as the only ones gifted to be used for the glory of God.  Although I felt the calling to share words of encouragement with others, it was deemed inappropriate for a female to do so. I felt confused, angry, and resentful. Who I was did not seem good enough and I didn’t know what to do.

Then I was reminded of Esther, who was a young Jewish woman, living in a country where her ethnic group was the minority.  Without knowing she was a Jew, the King chose her to be his wife.  In a matter of time, Queen Esther learned of the royal advisor’s plot to annihilate her people.  I can only imagine how frightened and worried she must have been.  What’s a girl to do? 

Although Esther was hesitant at first about how to respond (and who wouldn’t be?), she made a decision.  She didn’t let labels define who she was.  Esther knew her true identity was being a child of God.  Equipped with courage, wisdom and integrity, Esther approached the King and was able to intercede for her people and ultimately, they were all saved!

Your background does not hinder your future with God.  All He needs is a willing heart and He can use you.

I worked up the courage to share my struggle with my Pastor and to my surprise, he decided to mentor me. He taught me the skills of speaking and writing with purpose and passion.  I will always be grateful that my Pastor saw my identity as CHILD OF GOD.  What I discovered was there is joy and freedom in being true to who God made you to be. 

“Coming to understand that you are the beloved of God changes your whole outlook on life.”  (Shannon Kubiak Primicerio)


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