Victory 365预览

Victory 365


  "Let's Go!" by Jimmy Page


“Moses gave the men these instructions as he sent them out to explore the land. … ‘See what the land is like, and find out whether the people living there are strong or weak, few or many.’” - Numbers 13:17–18 (NLT)


It’s common for coaches to use scouts to help them understand their opponents’ strengths and weaknesses. After God set his people free from slavery under the Egyptians, God told Moses to send out 12 men to scout Canaan—the land He had promised to them—and to come back with a report. After 40 days, they returned with a full report.  

Although the land was bountiful, there were also powerful men described as giant and fortified cities. The opposition looked unbeatable. But the reward for victory would be sweet if the Israelites would go for it. Ten men said, “No Way!” Only two said, “Let’s Go!” 

Caleb and Joshua must have entered Canaan with optimism, believing they were gathering intelligence so they could take the land God had promised. Their faith was bigger than their fears. The other 10 let their fears overwhelm their faith.  

What about us? Will we shrink back when challenges come? Or, will we rely on God’s presence, remember His promises, and go with power?


If you were one of the scouts sent to Canaan, would you have said, “Let’s Go!”? Why or why not?


Numbers 13; 2 Kings 6:8–17


Lord, help me to approach every assignment You give me with optimism and enthusiasm. Help me to see the possibilities instead of the problems and say, “Let’s go!” Amen.

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Victory 365

Victory 365 encourages you to take a time out to rethink and re-center your faith by tackling issues that coaches and athletes deal with during competition and in life. This 7-day plan introduces you to the the Victory 365 year-long devotional and will also help establish a consistent, daily quiet time with God. We would like to thank the Fellowship of Christian Athletes for providing this plan.
