
Advent: Christ Is Coming!


LIGHT THE CANDLE We are awaiting the Messiah! READ THE SCRIPTURE A King to Reign on David's Throne Forever Isaiah 9:6-7 RESPOND IN WORSHIP Worship with Your Life Restate the 4 names of the Messiah in verse 6. What does each one mean? How do you know King Jesus in each of these ways? Worship with Prayer Use the Scripture to adore, confess, praise, and thank God. Worship with Song Sing, "O Come Let Us Adore Him."


Advent: Christ Is Coming!

这个由 Thistlebend Ministries 所提供的降临期灵修计划,可以帮助家庭或者个人做好心灵预备,以欢庆弥赛亚的降临。计划的重点在于基督的到来对我们今天生活的意义,并定于12 月1 日开始。愿你的家庭在使用这个计划时感受到天父对你们每一个人坚定不移、信守圣约的爱,并对这段家庭时间留下美好长久的回忆。


我们感谢Thistlebend Ministries提供这个计划。想获取更多信息,请至以下网址:www.thistlebendministries.org