
NIV Once-A-Day Bible for Men预览

NIV Once-A-Day Bible for Men



These qualities are priceless; they can’t be bought or earned. We can’t work them up emotionally by wishing, hoping, visualizing, or gritting our teeth with determination. And they certainly cannot be legislated. But they are available — ​free — ​to all who name Christ as Savior.
These qualities are by-products, not goals — ​“fruit” of the Holy Spirit as he changes us on the inside. That is, they happen naturally as he does his work in us. He gives us love for neighbor and enemy, joy despite circumstances and in sorrow, peace in turmoil and conflict, patient forbearance during daily aggravations and persecutions, kindness in a violent society, goodness when surrounded by corruption, faithfulness though commitment is scarce, gentleness when the prevailing mood is pushy self-centeredness, and self-control in a world of wild hedonism.
These qualities stand in direct opposition to what comes naturally to sinful human beings (as evidenced in daily news reports and entertainment offerings — ​check out verses 19 – 21) and come directly from God himself.
Do you want overflowing love, ebullient joy, deep peace, strong forbearance, tender kindness, contagious goodness, enduring faithfulness, consistent gentleness, and steady self-control? Yield your will to God and allow him to work in and through you.
God transforms lives!

I submit to you, Holy Spirit . . .
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NIV Once-A-Day Bible for Men

This is a 21 day extract of the Once-A-Day Devotional for Men for everyday inspiration, with 365 daily readings created specifically for men. Using devotions from Livingstone, the group who produced the Life Application ...


We would like to thank Zondervan for providing this devotional. For more information, please visit: www.facebook.com/OnceADayBible

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