For the Joy Set Before Him: Jesus's Final Journey to Jerusalem预览

What Must Take Place
From that time on Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests, and experts in the law, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. Matthew 16:21, NET
Caesarea Philippi lay 25 miles north of the Sea of Galilee, nestled at the base of Mount Hermon's southern slopes. Here, far from the religious centre of Jerusalem and its sacred temple, Jesus posed to his disciples the most important question a person can face: "Who do you say I am?"
Peter, characteristically quick to respond, declared without hesitation: "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
After blessing Peter and affirming that this truth was revealed to him by the Father, Jesus immediately began to unveil the startling reality of his messianic mission. In this, his first of three explicit predictions of his death, he outlined four essential elements of what must take place.
- He must go to Jerusalem
- He must there suffer many things at the hands of the religious leaders
- He must be killed
- He must be raised to life on the third day
Peter, recoiling from this unexpected turn, began to rebuke Jesus—only to receive one of Scripture’s most startling rebukes in return. Jesus then revealed another sobering truth: the path of suffering he must walk is one his followers must be willing to walk with him.
As you read today’s passage, put yourself in Peter’s shoes:
- What does it feel like when Jesus calls you blessed, and tells you that on this rock he will build his church?
- What does it feel like when Jesus rebukes you, and calls you a stumbling block to him and the ways of God?
Can you personally relate to either (or both!) of these moments? When have you ever felt celebrated for a moment of spiritual insight? When have you been humbled by a timely rebuke?

This seven-day devotional traces Jesus's final journey to Jerusalem, from his first announcement of what awaited him there to his arrival in nearby Bethany. Through Scripture readings and reflections, we’ll put ourselves in the shoes of Jesus’s companions—experiencing their hopes, fears, and moments of faith. As we witness Jesus's unwavering resolve in the face of what lies ahead, we'll consider what it truly means to follow him, even when God's plans challenge our expectations.