Pain to PURPOSE!预览

Pain to PURPOSE!


Day Two

Step 2: Call the Pain by its Name

Yesterday we recognized the pain. I know that was a hard one, but I am so proud of you for taking that first step and coming back for day two.

Today whether the pain is physical, emotional, mental...we are to CALL IT OUT!

When we do this, we are saying, "I see you and no longer will you hide in me!"

By doing this we are exposing what the enemy has done in our life. It's time to break down those barriers in Jesus name.

A lot of times when you are experiencing emotional or mental pain (trauma pain) that is trapped inside you it can show up in your physical body and create that physical pain.

For example, you go to the doctor because you are experiencing physical symptoms, but the doctor cannot explain or pinpoint where its coming from.

I have firsthand experience with this. I've had every test done you can think of every scan and name it. And there is nothing that points to something! Most likely they will say its stress.

If this sounds familiar this could be a clue as to why you are having those physical symptoms.

This is why we must get healed from the inside out. Because when we get healed on the inside that pain/that trauma will have no place to hide in Jesus' name.

The enemy would love nothing more than for us to feel the pain, hide the pain, and bury the pain.

Not today, Satan! Those things that are hidden are being exposed today, in Jesus mighty name!

Those areas in our life that need healing, can only be healed when we acknowledge them. As we acknowledge the pain and call it by name, we are exposing the enemy's hidden agenda in our life.

Once exposure happens, healing can then take place.

Healing can be very messy and daunting but with the help of Christ we can get through it. Even though it can be messy and daunting it is so worth it.

You are worth it.

You are worth being healed and made whole.

You are worth living a life on purpose and one that is full of joy and peace.

And friend...

It. Is. Possible.

I know right now it may seem like no good can come out of what you've been through and endured but trust me when I say God can turn anything around for good, your good. He is a good good Abba and has such a beautiful plan and purpose for your life. There isn't anything He cannot do.

He can turn this mess into His message.

How do you know Pastor Elizabeth? You don't know what I've been through.

You are right. I don't know what you've been through, but God does. He was there. He saw it all. And I know it hurts Him to see his child hurting. I know He can turn this mess into His message because He did it for me! I never thought I would be here where I am today, a Pastor helping others heal...but God!

If He did it for me, I know He can do it for you too.

If we look at the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis, we see that he was the favored son of Jacob. Joseph was born to him at a very old age. Joseph had many other brothers, but his father chose him to be his favorite. Jacob even had a special gift made for him, which was a beautiful robe. Josephs brothers despised him for it and scripture reveals that they couldn't say a kind word to him.

So, one day Joesph's brothers made the decision to sell him into slavery (rather than killing him like they originally wanted) and told their father that Joseph had been killed by a wild animal. The brothers thought they had gotten rid of Joseph for good but when a serious famine swept through the land, they went to Egypt to get food and low and behold Joseph was made second in command to Pharoah.

Eventually, the brothers asked for forgiveness for all they had done to him. Their relationship had been restored, and Joseph goes on to say, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many."

Joseph had the power to get his brothers back for treating him so cruel, yet he continued to honor God in all he did, even while dealing with his brothers.

Joseph knew and believed that God could and would turn this pain around for good. Let this story be an example for you today friend.

This is just one example in the Bible where God can turn pain into purpose.

You are a child of God, and I know He can turn this pain into something so much bigger just like He did for Joseph.

You may not understand it now but one day you will. As you continue to seek God for the healing that rightfully belongs to you as a child of God, you will see the purpose of it all.

Let that be your hope for today.

Nothing we go through is a surprise to God. It may be a surprise to us, but rest assured God knows all and sees all.

Those things that are 'hidden'...God sees. He is El Roi, the God who sees! He has seen every hurt, every pain, every trauma, every injustice you have ever endured and experienced and wants to take it away so you can live a life of purpose.

God wants you healed more than you want to be healed. He is a good father and wants His children made well and whole.

So, no matter what pain you are experiencing or have experienced I declare today salvation has come. Today is the day, you take your stance against every hidden plan, plot and scheme that the enemy has devised against you.

The enemy may have been able to be hidden up until this very point, but to that I say NO MORE!

No matter how hard it is to actually verbalize and name the pain I know you can do this.

Now would be a great time to claim the Scripture...Greater is He that is in me, than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4)!


Verbalize the name of the Pain.

Write the name of the pain down on paper. Cross each one out with a red pen and write THIS LIE IS EXPOSED TODAY IN JESUS NAME!


In what character or story in the Bible can you relate to? Why do you think you can relate to them? Did you see yourself in Joseph's story?


God is turning this pain into purpose! Nothing with God is ever wasted, including this pain! I call the pain by its name and expose it in Jesus' name! Those things in my life that are hidden are being exposed today and I declare I am healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet! I bind and rebuke every physical symptom that does not align with the Word of God in my body. I command my body to line up with the Word of God and I declare I am healed of the Lord, symptom free, now in Jesus' mighty name. Amen!


Lord, I pray for my friend who is reading this today. I pray that they would call out and expose every pain they are experiencing today. I pray for boldness as they take their stance in their healing journey. Give them the words to speak and declare over their life spirit, soul and body. I pray that as they read about the story of Joseph, they begin to see themselves as rightful heirs to the Throne and that they too can have their pain turned into their purpose. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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Pain to PURPOSE!

Are you ready to break free from the pain that’s been holding you back and step boldly into your God-given purpose? This 8-step Bible plan will guide you through the journey of healing, restoration, and transformation. With biblical wisdom, practical steps, and encouragement, you’ll learn how to release the weight of your past, embrace God’s promises, and walk confidently in the purpose He has prepared for you. It’s time to trade pain for purpose and live the abundant life you were created for!
