Remembering Who We Are in Christ预览

Remembering Our True Identity
The prodigal son reminds us how easily we lose sight of who we are. He knew his inheritance but forgot his place as his father’s son. He left his father and his home to chase pleasure.
When life became miserable, he finally “came to himself.” Though he knew he could return home, he still forgot who he was, thinking he could only return home as a servant.
Seeing him returning from a long way off, his father ran to embrace him. He didn’t just welcome his son home; he fully restored all he had lost. The robe, the ring, and the shoes gave him back the honour, authority, and blessing of a son, not a servant.
Like the prodigal, we can measure ourselves by what we have or don’t have. We forget our standing as God’s children. But our worth isn’t in what we own or achieve—it’s in that we belong to God.
This story also reassures us that He waits with open arms to restore us fully if we stray. All we need to do is return to Him.
Today, take a moment to “come to yourself.” Remember who you are in Christ. Remember, your past or your possessions don’t define you. Your relationship with God does. You are a child of the Most High God.
How do your choices and relationships change if you embrace your identity as God’s child?

The world defines us by our past, failures, and circumstances, but God calls us His own. This 5-day devotional will help you reclaim your identity in Christ. Through Scripture, you’ll see how God restores, strengthens, and calls His people into their true purpose. You are not what you’ve done—you are who He says you are: loved, chosen, and empowered. Each day will challenge you to see yourself as God sees you, step into His promises, and walk in confidence. It’s time to remember who you are—and live like it.