The Bible for Young Explorers: Luke预览
Bear Grylls says
Jesus told the best stories – clever plot lines with a twist at the end. I love the parable of the prodigal son because it reminds us that everyone can come home to God, whatever bad stuff we have done. When we turn to God, he runs to meet us.
A shocking story
The son had messed up big time and disgraced his family. First, asking for his inheritance early was like wishing his father was already dead. Culturally, it was hard to stoop much lower. Second, for a Jewish young man to sleep with prostitutes and eat with pigs was as degrading as it got. How will the father react? Jesus says the father runs to meet his shameful son – and then embraces him. No questions or conditions, just overwhelming love that drowned out any apology and all the son’s regret. Jesus told this famous story to help people think again about what God is like and how he feels about us.