The Way to Follow Jesus According to the Gospel of Luke预览

The Way to Follow Jesus According to the Gospel of Luke


Day 24 - Luke 24:35-53

Claiming the Promises

When Jesus appeared to all the disciples meeting behind locked doors, they were afraid and full of doubt. But Jesus told them to be at peace and believe that what they were seeing was true.

He was resurrected from the dead and truly alive! He had to remind their doubting hearts of all that the Scriptures foretold of the Messiah’s suffering, death and resurrection.

Then He “opened their minds” to understand the Scriptures and commissioned them to proclaim His message in the authority of His name to all the nations. Knowing that they wondered how they could do that, He reminded them that the Father would send the promised Holy Spirit who would fill them with the power from heaven.

When you start to wobble in your faith or your head gets cloudy in trying to understand the Scriptures, or you are timid about sharing His message, reclaim the promises of Jesus.

1. He will fill your doubting heart with peace and faith.

2. If you need clarity about the Scriptures, He will give you understanding.

3. When you want to share His message with others, you can have Holy Spirit power to help you.

Those promises are for you! Have you made a claim on them and will you trust that you will have what you need to be His follower and share His message of love and salvation?

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The Way to Follow Jesus According to the Gospel of Luke

It's pretty easy to say you are a follower of Jesus but what does that really mean? How do you know you're following Jesus the way He says you should? Luke gives detailed insights as to what Jesus requires from His true followers. Parables, stories, lessons and challenges in being an authentic follower of Jesus is what you'll discover in this 24 day walk through the Gospel of Luke. You'll have a chance to answer compelling questions at the end if each reading that will challenge and inspire you to give your all to your Lord and Savior Jesus!
