My Hope预览

Every day we have needs to be fulfilled, and in our day to day our needs may grow greater. But God has proven time and time again that he will sustain and supply every need. We see all throughout scripture how God meets our needs. When the Israelites were wandering in the desert, God provided manna daily. When Solomon asked God, He provided wisdom. When we were in need of saving, God provided our Savior, Jesus. Again and again God’s resume displays hope through the provision He provides. He sees and hears the cries of his daughters and provides accordingly. Today, let’s walk in the hope that if God provided before he will most certainly provide again.
When the land is dry, He will provide rain. When chaos is in the workplace, He will provide peace. When our schedules seem too busy, He will provide endurance. When confusion clouds our minds, He will provide clarity. When our future seems dim, He will provide the light of hope. The simple truth is that when we are in need, God will provide. Today and everyday our hope can be found in the perfect provider.
Heavenly Father, thank you that you are a perfect God who knows every need on our heart. Thank you that you provide for all of our needs. We thank you that you provide hope in every situation. Help us to seek you and your kingdom first and always be reminded that you are the God of hope who addresses every need on our hearts. In Jesus Name, Amen.
written by Chumani Chamberlain

Prepare your heart with this 30-day devotional written by the women of Wave Church. Each day offers heartfelt reflections, scripture, and prayers, encouraging you to embrace the unshakable hope found in Christ. From personal stories of perseverance to timeless truths from God’s Word, these devotions are designed to inspire faith and strengthen your spirit. As you journey through this devotional, you’ll be reminded that hope is an anchor for your soul, leading you to a deeper trust in God and His promises.