What Is a Disciple?预览

What Is a Disciple?


Discipleship must be Trinitarian

If a person is wrong about God, then ultimately, they are wrong about everything.

So since God, who is one, is revealed to us in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, our discipleship must be a response to our Trinitarian God.

Perhaps the clearest expression of this is the ‘grace’ that Paul writes at the end of 2 Corinthians 13; ‘May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all ever more’, Amen.

Our Father has spoken – so as disciples, we need to be ‘strong in the word of God’

God so loved the world that he sent his Son – so we must follow Jesus

The Father and Son have given the Holy Spirit – so we must be strong in the life of the Spirit.

God is one, but he comes to us in three persons. We cannot engage with one of these without the other two!

So, discipleship involves:

  • Following Jesus, the Son of God, he is our life pattern, our example.
  • Investing in the word of God because we are transformed by the renewal of our minds, and through God’s word, we are equipped for every good work.
  • And we invest in the life of the Spirit, who empowers us in the dynamic life of the kingdom and equips us for ministry.

Jesus said;

‘And I will ask the Father and he will give you another advocate to help you and to be with you forever … Whoever loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home in them …’ John 14:16,17

The great need today is for followers of Jesus who are:

  • Strong in the Word of God,
  • Strong in the Spirit of God.

They are the ones ‘who will not taste death before they have seen the kingdom of God has come in power’ (Mark 9:1).

They are the ones who will ‘know the truth’ and be ‘set free’ by the truth (John 8:31).

Stories from the Kingdom

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, once a prominent atheist in the new atheist movement, and critic of religion, recently shared her journey to embracing Christianity, much to the surprise of colleagues and friends around her. She acknowledges that Christian values provide a strong moral framework essential for countering the challenges posed by radical ideologies and preserving societal cohesion. Her story highlights the transformative power of the gospel and how "truth" can "set up free".

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What Is a Disciple?

What is a disciple? What is the point of discipleship? Is it just a programme to follow, or is it something more, something deeper that we continually walk in alongside Jesus, letting him shape and lead us? Come and explore discipleship with us in this plan.
