The Obsession That Destroys预览

The Obsession That Destroys


A Precious Gift

Your sexuality is a precious gift from God, created with a deep and divine purpose. God designed sexuality to be lived in love, within marriage, as an expression of intimacy and union between husband and wife.

When God blessed Adam and Eve, He told them to be fruitful and multiply, thus underscoring the sacred place that sexuality occupies in His plan.

It is not simply a physical act, but a manifestation of love and mutual dedication, a symbol of the exclusive and lasting relationship that God desires for every couple.

However, pornography and lust distort this gift. Instead of bringing fulfillment, it creates an emptiness that grows deeper and deeper.

The temporary pleasure that pornography provides never truly satisfies, and over time, it enslaves a person to insatiable desires.

The need to seek new stimulation grows incessantly. This vicious cycle never brings lasting peace or joy, but only growing dissatisfaction.

Sexual and relationship problems caused by pornography and lust are not limited to the personal sphere.

They also severely affect relationships and marriages.

Pornography distorts the perception of sexuality, making the other person see the other as an object to be satisfied rather than a partner to be loved.

This leads to an emotional and spiritual disconnection in marriage, increasing misunderstandings and tensions.

Paul warns believers about the tolerance of immoral behavior within the church, emphasizing the importance of maintaining sexual purity as a reflection of God’s will.

The moral and spiritual consequences of these addictions can be devastating.

Lust and pornography not only compromise the relationship between husband and wife, but they also undermine the personal relationship with God.

Instead of walking in the freedom and integrity that God has prepared for us, we find ourselves trapped in a spiral of sin and guilt.

It is essential to understand that God desires for us a life of holiness and freedom, away from the slavery of sexual addictions.

To fully experience the gift of sexuality that God has created, we must look to Him, respect His principles, and abandon anything that would distort His perfect plan for love and family.

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The Obsession That Destroys

Pornography is a subtle threat to human relationships, as it distorts the idea of ​​intimacy and reduces the other to a simple object of desire. It fuels lust, preventing us from experiencing authentic and deep love. However, God offers us a solution through a love that is based on sacrifice, respect, and mutual care. By following His teachings, we can rediscover the true beauty of intimate relationships, learning to value the other and build healthy bonds, far from the traps of pornography and based on true communion.
