Advent Scripture Calendar预览

Advent Scripture Calendar


Who is a King like Him?

Yesterday, Isaiah was already mentioned, and in the coming days of Advent we will look at his prophecies about the coming of the Messiah even more.

The portrayal of the future is beautiful. All the struggles and tribulations are over for God's people and what prevails is deep joy. This is what the angels will say at the birth of the Lord Jesus (Luke 2:10): Great joy for all the people.

The coming of the Son of God changes everything. Peace will be endless because He will reign in Israel. What makes you silent is how He is called: Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father. Who is a King like Him? He is not a new and pious and wise ruler. Through Him the Lord Himself descends to His people and His world.

We give thanks for what You have in mind for Israel and us. We know this is the future. Help us to rise above the circumstances in a confusing time, rejoicing in who You are and what You promise.

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Advent Scripture Calendar

In this Advent season, it is a meanigful time for us, as Gentile believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to ask ourselves: what is our identity? Are we rooted in the whole word of God – including the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments? Are we looking for the coming of the Messiah, the Light of the world (John 8:12), who will reign from Jerusalem 'in the midst of His people Jacob'? Join us for daily reflections this Advent as we prepare our hearts and look forward with anticipation. Author: Rev. Henk Poot, Christians for Israel
