Overcome Overwhelm: Untangle the Clutter in Your Life预览
Yesterday, you named your “baskets.” Today we are going to sort them. You are going to learn a practical way to “take your thoughts captive” and make them “obey” Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).
I know this can feel overwhelming. Take encouragement from Psalm 94:19 and 1 Peter 5:7. Pray for God’s comfort, care, and wisdom to lead you in your sorting.
Dear God, I’m overloaded. I’m a tangled mess. You, who lovingly knit me together, have the power to untangle my overwhelming clutter. I have a part to play in this. Help me take my thoughts captive. Give me wisdom and discernment as you care for me. In your name, Amen.
Now let’s study a famous prayer written by a protestant theologian, almost 100 years ago. The Serenity Prayer has helped millions of people reclaim their lives.
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.”
Reread the first part, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…”. Ask the Holy Spirit to clarify the parts of your overwhelm not in your control. List them now (e.g. aging parents, a demanding boss, the state of our world, etc.).
Continue with the next part, “... the courage to change the things I can…”. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what is in your control to change (e.g. set stronger boundaries around schedules and relationships, or take uncomfortable medical or financial action).
Keep practicing self-awareness by admitting your resistance toward making these necessary changes. Ask for the courage to own what is yours and to let go of what isn't. This act of unblending is a clarifying, powerful, and practical way for you to take your thoughts captive. Plus, you are defeating the enemy’s strategy to keep you blind, stuck, and in perpetual discouragement!
Now, finish with, “...and the wisdom to know the difference.” List things where you’re unclear who's responsible, you or God. Quite often, it’s both. You may be over-involving/ micromanaging parts out of your control. Or, ignoring responsibility out of fear, anxiety, or discomfort.
Praying this way declutters your mind and creates a clearer pathway toward living more congruent and free.
So what if it’s not within your control or power to change? Let’s address that next.
Do you feel perpetually stuck? Overwhelmed? Frozen to move forward? You’re not alone. There is a way to untangle from the mental, emotional, and even physical clutter weighing you down. In this five-day plan, you will learn practical steps to overcome your overwhelm, regain focus, and live more calm, clear, and carefree. Move away from an overwhelming life toward an overflowing one now!