Advent Devotional: Make Room for Jesus预览

Advent Devotional: Make Room for Jesus


Day 14: Make Room for Joy

Have you ever met someone who exemplifies true joy -someone who has a bright light that radiates from them and is contagious to those they meet? Most likely, if you were to take a closer look into their life however you may be surprised at what you’d find. As someone who follows Jesus, you would see that the joy they have isn’t based on their current circumstances. Instead it’s an overflow of God’s Spirit. They recognize the work God is doing in their life and they have allowed Him to take up residence in their hearts regardless of their situation. They respond with joy and stand out as a light in the darkness.

We read in Luke about the unconventional way Mary became pregnant with Jesus. In fact we read that she was confused and disturbed when the angel Gabriel first appeared to her to explain what was to come. She was not married and knew that this would create many questions and possibly a hard road for her and Joseph. But, instead of responding with fear she praised God with joy.

"Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” - Luke 1:38

And then she went on to worship God through a song of praise...

"Oh, how my soul praises the Lord.
How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!
For he took notice of his lowly servant girl,
and from now on all generations will call me blessed.
For the Mighty One is holy,
and he has done great things for me." - Luke 1:46-49

Instead of responding negatively, Mary's response to this life-changing announcement was one of joy and praise. She recognized all that God had done in her life. Joy changed the lens through which she viewed her circumstances. She trusted in God's ways, knowing that she was part of a bigger plan of redemption He had for His people. She made room for joy in the midst of hardship. And, because of her response, our Savior was born to redeem us all.


  • How is the promise of joy connected to trusting God?
  • What is a current situation you are in that is jeopardizing your joy?
  • How can you step out in faith today to trust God and make room for His gift of joy?


Today take some time to thank God for all the ways you have seen Him work in your life this past week. Maybe you've seen Him redeem a situation that seemed hopeless or He has restored your joy in the midst of hardship.

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Advent Devotional: Make Room for Jesus

Busyness can become the mantra of the holiday season if we are not intentional to make room for Jesus. Over these next 24 days, let's declutter our hearts and minds so we can make room for the gifts of love, joy, hope and peace that our Savior has given us.
