Gideon; Man of Doubt, Man of Fear, Man of Faith?预览

Gideon; Man of Doubt, Man of Fear, Man of Faith?


Gideon — a man of faith?

“Time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets— who through faith conquered kingdoms, […] were made strong out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight.” (Hebrews 11:32-34)

Gideon's life story ended on a negative note. Although he had done much good for Israel (see Judges 8:35), he was not a good example. He did not serve the Lord God 100 percent. All the more surprising is that we encounter Gideon's name again in the New Testament book of Hebrews. There, he is mentioned in a list of people who have done and experienced extraordinary things by faith. Heroes of faith, so to speak. Isn't it strange that Gideon gets a place of honor here?

Let's look back again. Gideon was not brave. He was fearful and hesitant. He didn't just take God at His word. He needed a lot of confirmation.

Yet, in the end, he did what God asked of him. He destroyed an idol altar, risking the wrath of his peers. He attacked a huge army with a small band of 300 men. That did not suit Gideon at all! And this shows his faith precisely. From himself, Gideon would never have done this. He let himself be guided by God’s Spirit.

Gideon's subsequent life was not perfect. Yet the book of Hebrews points us precisely to his acts of faith. We can take an example from that. A very ordinary man with many faults and flaws let himself be used by God for an important task.

What positive things can you take away from Gideon's life story? And what warnings do you want to remember?

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Gideon; Man of Doubt, Man of Fear, Man of Faith?

Gideon was appointed by God to deliver his people from enemies who plundered their land, but Gideon was full of doubt and fear. He did not consider himself a “mighty warrior” at all. Only by faith could he carry out his mission. Let his story encourage you to be a hero, too - not by your power, but by faith in a mighty God.
