Whispers From the Past Mom Devotional: Fun, Witty Lessons for Modern Moms From Moms in the Bible预览

Whispers From the Past Mom Devotional: Fun, Witty Lessons for Modern Moms From Moms in the Bible


WHISPERS FROM JOCHEBED: Nurturing Divine Destiny: Lessons from the Mom Who Raised a Leader

Scripture References:

- Exodus 2:1-10

- Hebrews 11:23

Devotional Reflection:

Hey there, Supermom!

Ready for another day of inspiration? Today, we’re diving into the story of Jochebed—Moses’ mom and one of the ultimate “mompreneurs” of the ancient world. Jochebed’s story is like the original DIY parenting guide, showing us how to craft a future leader from scratch!

Imagine Jochebed’s world: Pharaoh is throwing down some major pressure with his “no more baby boys” decree. What does she do? She gets creative. She turns a basket into a floating crib and places it among the reeds. Talk about thinking outside the box!

Jochebed’s faith wasn’t just in her clever basket-making skills but in God’s ability to turn a seemingly impossible situation into a miraculous one. She trusted that her son was destined for greatness, and her actions reflected that belief. It’s a powerful reminder that even when the odds are stacked against us, our faith and ingenuity can pave the way for incredible outcomes.

Mom Circle Tips for You:

  • Embrace Your Creativity: Just like Jochebed, you have the power to think creatively in tough situations. Use your unique skills and ideas to make the best out of challenging circumstances.
  • Trust the Process: Your efforts, big or small, are significant. Keep believing that your actions are shaping a bright future for your family, even when the results aren’t immediately visible.
  • Prepare with Purpose: Equip your children with the values and skills they need to succeed. Your intentional nurturing can help them rise to their full potential.


Dear God,

Thank You for Jochebed’s example of faith and resourcefulness.

Help me to embrace creativity and trust in Your plan, even when things seem uncertain. Guide me as I nurture and prepare my children for their future, knowing that my efforts are part of Your greater plan. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  • “I trust in God’s plan for my children, even when it seems uncertain.”
  • “My creativity and efforts are valuable in shaping a bright future for my family.”
  • “I am committed to nurturing my children with purpose and faith.”

Highlight of the Day:

Just like Jochebed’s clever and faithful actions led to Moses becoming a great leader, your creative and purposeful efforts are shaping the future of your family. Embrace your role with confidence and remember that your faith and actions are making a big impact!

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Whispers From the Past Mom Devotional: Fun, Witty Lessons for Modern Moms From Moms in the Bible

Whispers from the Past Mom Devotional is a devotional that invites moms to reflect on life lessons and timeless wisdom drawn from past experiences and spiritual insights. Each day explores themes of healing, growth, and faith, helping moms connect with God's voice through reflections on past journeys. Designed to offer comfort and guidance, the devotional encourages embracing past lessons as stepping stones for spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of God’s presence in every season of life.
