The Many "Hats" Men Wear预览

The Many "Hats" Men Wear


Men Who Make Disciples

The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 calls us to make disciples of all nations, sharing the Gospel and teaching others about Jesus.

This task is for every believer, not just missionaries, pastors, or church staff. As disciple-makers, men must share the saving message with everyone.

The “ministry of reconciliation” is part of this. 2 Corinthians 5:18 says God reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. Just as God brought us back to Him through Jesus, we are to help others come back to God, too.

It's like being tasked with delivering the best news ever!

Making disciples involves building relationships and investing time in others' spiritual growth. It means being intentional in our conversations, sharing our faith stories, and teaching the Bible. By doing so, we help others understand and experience the love of Christ.

One key aspect of disciple-making is leading by example. A man’s actions and attitudes should reflect Christ's character, inspiring others to follow Him. This includes living out our faith daily and showing love, patience, and kindness to those around us.

Another important aspect is mentoring. Taking another man under our wing and guiding them in their spiritual journey can profoundly impact their faith. This involves praying for them, studying the Bible together, and providing support and encouragement.

In my church, I like to keep a close eye on newer Christian believers. I try to get to know other men personally by inviting them for coffee. Since I don’t want them to “fall through the cracks” and possibly drift away from the faith, I aim to get them into a small group and find a more experienced Christian to mentor them or mentor and train them myself.

You can do the same! If you’ve been a solid believer for a couple of years now, see if there are brand new Christians you can take under your wing by praying and studying the Bible together.

Remember, being a disciple-maker and part of the ministry of reconciliation is for all men. It's about sharing God's love and bringing others back to Him, one relationship at a time.

Prayer: Father, give me the courage and wisdom to make disciples. Help me to share Your love and truth with others through the Gospel, and guide me in teaching them to follow You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Reflection: Who are a few people with whom you can share the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Who is a newer believer in your life that you can disciple? How can you start or continue to invest in their spiritual growth?

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The Many "Hats" Men Wear

In this week-long devotional, we will explore the various roles men play in life—the many “hats” we wear—and how we can fulfill these roles in a way that honors Christ. Written by Scott Roberts.
