Pray for America预览

Pray for America


Pray for The Economy

During our time praying for America, there have probably been topics that have been top of mind for you and others that were probably far from the forefront. Today's topic, though, is most certainly at the top or near the top for you and countless other Americans: the economy.

We look at that through the lens we started this whole topical journey with, the preeminence of God. Paul summarized this by quoting from Greek sources when he spoke to the Athenians: "For in him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have said,' We are his offspring" (Acts 17:28). Every one of us is dependent on Him.

Yet God has also designed us to be interdependent with others. Throughout nearly every point and place in history, humans have created systems of meeting needs. At this very moment, you are providing something for others as well as being provided for by others.

Like so many systems throughout history, though, economics can be twisted from a system of interconnectedness to a system of dominance. Greed, lies, theft, and overall self-service can turn compatriots into competitors. God commanded Israel to use honest, accurate standards of measurement (Leviticus 19:35-36). Moses also exhorted them to be generous when helping the poor (Deuteronomy 15:7-8). These and other commands and exhortations had to be given because so many people were cheating in transactions and withholding financial aid to the needy.

Just as we prayed for peacemakers in the halls of international diplomacy, today, we pray for peacemakers in the marketplace and within economically focused divisions of government. Pray that all Americans can provide and be provided for without any form of harmful dominance.

Finally, ask God to especially provide for those who are suffering from their income not being enough to meet their needs, as well as those who are unable to earn an income at all right now. Pray that His people would be mobilized to lift up those who are in such desperate predicaments.

Proverbs 11:1-2 picks up from Leviticus 19:35-36 by reaffirming, "The LORD detests the use of dishonest scales, but he delights in accurate weights." But then it says, "Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." The more we allow God to fill us with humility, especially when it comes to our economic interdependence, the more we will have the wisdom to know how to best steward and increase our resources and help those whose resources are scant.

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Pray for America

As Christians, we must unite and dedicate time to praying for our country and for our leaders. America was built on prayer and we know that God will hear our prayers. Please join CBN and Christians across the country in 15 days of prayer for America.
