From Fear to Reverence - a Journey of Wisdom and Intimacy With God预览

From Fear to Reverence - a Journey of Wisdom and Intimacy With God


Fear That Distances, Reverence That Draws Near

Fear and reverence may seem similar, but they are opposites in the context of our relationship with God. Fear makes us run and hide, as happened with Adam in the Garden of Eden after disobeying God. He felt fear and hid from the divine presence. This type of fear is a natural reaction to guilt and sin, leading us to distance ourselves from God and avoid His presence.

On the other hand, the fear of the Lord is a reverent response that draws us closer to God. It is the deep respect that leads us to recognize His holiness and majesty. When we have a reverence for the Lord, we do not flee from Him but draw nearer, seeking His wisdom and guidance. Moses is a clear example of this: while the Israelites feared the power of God on Mount Sinai and kept their distance, Moses, moved by reverent fear, ascended the mountain to be in the presence of God, demonstrating courage and faith.

Fear paralyzes and prevents our approach to God. However, reverence moves us towards Him, even when we face challenges or feel unworthy. Reverence helps us recognize the need for His grace and mercy. Therefore, we should ask God to remove the fear that distances us and cultivate in us a reverent fear that draws us closer to Him, strengthening our faith and our trust in His goodness and faithfulness.

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From Fear to Reverence - a Journey of Wisdom and Intimacy With God

Often, we confuse fear with reverence. While fear drives us away from God's presence, reverence draws us closer, revealing His wisdom and love. This devotional explores how true reverence for the Lord transforms our lives, guiding us to divine wisdom and freeing us from paralyzing fear. Discover how God's love casts out all fear and invites us to walk in His light.
