Discovering God's Will预览

Discovering God's Will


Mythbusting God’s Will

You may remember a popular TV program called MythBusters.

The hosts would use scientific methods to test the accuracy of various claims. The results either “Confirmed” or “Busted” the statement.

Here are some famous claims and results:

·“A person's tongue can instantly stick to a freezing pole.” Confirmed. (Maybe this is being “tongue-tied?”)

·“A penny dropped from a skyscraper can gain enough speed to kill a pedestrian.” Busted. (Is this where “a penny for your thoughts” comes from?)

·“A rock kicked up by a lawnmower can deliver the same force as a bullet.” Confirmed. (I knew I disliked lawn care for a reason.)

·“A black car does not heat up faster than a white one.” Busted. (Is there any such thing as a “hot car” in a Canadian January?)

·“The human voice can shatter a wine glass.” Confirmed. (Is that called “whining?”)

When it comes to the will of God, there are many different ideas, misconceptions, and even confusion that could use some “myth-busting.”

As a young man, understanding God’s will was an area I struggled immensely with.

While other high school friends had a clear post-graduation plan, I had no idea. All I knew was that it could be anything but Christian ministry.

But after over 35 years working in the ministry world, I realized that God has a great sense of humor and that I had reduced the will of God to a career choice.

Seeking God’s will is relevant for men at all stages of life and circumstances, as it affects everything: relationships, family, homes, finances, business dealings, church or community involvement, etc.

Some theologians refer to three modes of God’s will:

·His Sovereign Will (God’s overarching plan for all Creation.)

·His Moral Will (His commands in Scripture.)

·His Personal or Prescriptive Will (His specific guidance for us as we make decisions.)

God’s personal will for us is not divorced from God’s moral and sovereign will. He is ultimately always in control, but we can choose to obey or disobey. Our choices cannot derail God’s ultimate plan, but we face daily opportunities to follow God’s will or not.

So, how do we know His will?

That is what we will explore this week.

As we begin, look no further than the words of Jesus: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need” (Matthew 6:33).

We can look to Jesus, “the author and perfect of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2), to see that He not only followed His Father’s will but has much to say about it in the Gospels.

And if Jesus acknowledged the need to follow God’s will, how much more should we, as men, pursue God’s will?

Knowing God’s will is following His commands and becoming like Him.

Prayer: Lord, this week, open my eyes to Your will and give me the courage to follow You obediently in whatever You ask. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Reflection: Pause today and ask yourself who the true leader of your life is. Are you living according to your will and wants, or are you listening and obeying God’s will for you?

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Discovering God's Will

In this devotional for men, we will look at how to find God's will, undo some of the myths and misconceptions about discernment, and learn how to lean into Him and His plan for us—written by Dean Brenton of Impactus.
