As a Man Thinks, So Is His Heart预览

As a Man Thinks, So Is His Heart



I don’t know about you, but I have a head full of opinions. Many of them are good opinions and line up with the word of God, but it wasn’t until recently that I realized that some of my thoughts were not things God would want in my heart.

I was recently hospitalized for a few days and had been discharged to go home on a Sunday. I couldn’t have been happier. Although my body still wasn’t feeling the best, it was good to be at home, knowing I would rest better in my bed.

Early that evening my head began hurting. It felt like a tight band being squeezed around it, and I felt off. I asked my daughter to get the blood pressure monitor and we took it to find out that my normal 120’s was suddenly in the 180’s. Something was wrong. To be sure my monitor was accurate, I had my daughter go to my neighbor (a retired RN) and borrow her monitor. The two were within just a few digits of the other. The neighbor had recommended we call the after-hours number because she said all doctors have to have an emergency contact.

After a call to that person, she recommended I go to the ER. I can’t tell you how this saddened me; but with much encouragement from my daughter, positive thinking, and a call with prayer over me from my grandson, off we went to the hospital.

My home is five minutes from the hospital, but that ride seemed to take forever and my thoughts were that of fear, which I tried to hide from my daughter.

“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct: according to what their deeds deserve.” Jeremiah 17:9-10

I thought to myself, “Come on Norma, God is with you. Stop allowing fear to believe this is worse than it is.” As my grandson prayed over me, I felt gripped by the fear that I would need an MRI (I’m very claustrophobic). I had allowed the beautiful moment of a loved one praying faith over me to be robbed by the enemy.

We arrived, and it seemed it was beginning all over again. Join me tomorrow as we continue this journey.

PRAYER: Open our spirit eyes, Lord Jesus!

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As a Man Thinks, So Is His Heart

I’ve read the proverb many times, yet it wasn’t until an emergency room visit that the reality set in. Many of us have thoughts that linger in our heads; they become opinions. Join me in this study as I unravel the depth of this proverb and analyze if your thoughts are pleasing to God!
