Grace Is Enough预览

Grace Is Enough


Day 3: Pay It Forward

Over the last two days, we’ve wrestled with the idea that our needs are far bigger than we’ll ever have enough to pay for on our own, but thankfully, Christ has stepped in to cover all of the cost for all of us. When we accept Christ’s grace, we get invited into the work of redemption for the entire world. We don't have to worry about being enough or having enough anymore; instead, we get to focus on helping to bring Christ’s grace, compassion, and forgiveness to the world and those around us.

In the gospels, we see Jesus share parables with His followers; parables are simply stories that have deep and hidden meanings. Jesus chose to share truth with people through these parables because He knew stories start conversations and have the potential to change the way we see ourselves, God, and the world around us.

In one of these parables, we encounter a character who is freed from a massive debt he once owed his master. Even though he is so grateful to be released from his debt, this character goes on to demand payment from someone else who owes him a small amount. When the master finds out he didn't forgive the small debt; the master is enraged, throws him into jail, and makes him pay back the entire massive debt.

We can see ourselves as the main characters in this story: humans who have been freed from a massive, crushing debt of sin that we would never have enough to pay on our own. But our master, Jesus Christ, gives us grace and releases us from the debt. Because we’re released from the debt, we’re free to show God’s grace and forgiveness to those around us; we know what it's like not to have enough, and so we can practice empathy and offer grace and forgiveness when others don't have enough for us.

Next Step
Today, consider someone who owes you something. What would it look like to offer grace and forgiveness in a situation where someone else doesn’t have enough? How can you join God’s work of bringing about restoration by showing grace, compassion, and forgiveness?

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Grace Is Enough

Do you ever have times when it feels like no matter how hard you try, you always come up short? This 3 day reading plan offers hope and reassurance that you are not alone. Discover refuge in a God who has paid it all for us and the peace in knowing that you are fully supported in every moment.
