Five Reasons Why God Tarries预览

Five Reasons Why God Tarries


Wait the wait it takes…

There is only one way to come to an understanding of the timing of the Lord, and that is through waiting. For the hurried person He seems late all the time. At other times God may do in a moment what you were expecting would take years. God's sense of timing, like all His ways, is vastly different from ours.

Jesus said to His brothers My time has not yet come, but your time is always ready – John 7:6.

In 1 Samuel 13:8-14, King Saul made this mistake. He was cautioned by Samuel to wait with the offering until Samuel arrives. His fear of man and impatience on that occasion cost him the kingdom. The true test of waiting happens in moments of crisis. When it appears to be past 'midnight' and God is 'obviously' too late, will you take matters into your own hands? If you will wait, you will gain an opportunity to learn more about God's ways. One of the greatest secrets of spiritual leadership is that God uses leaders who have learned to wait on Him.


>> Do you spot impatience in your own heart when it comes to waiting for God, like Saul?

>> Admit and repent of any times in your life where your impatience cost you dearly.

>> Perhaps you feel weak today because of the long wait. Maybe you feel you have lost hope that God will come through for you. Be encouraged – He if faithful.

>> To all 'wait-ers' on the Lord, ponder Isaiah 41:10 - Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'

Seek His face passionately, guard your heart and persevere until He answers.

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Five Reasons Why God Tarries

There are many possible reasons why answers to our prayers are delayed. Especially when a matter is of great urgency, it feels unbearable when the answer tarries. How can we position ourselves at such times? How do we keep the right perspective? This reading plan will help keep your focus in the right place while waiting for a spiritual breakthrough or answer to prayer.
