This Too Shall Pass预览

This Too Shall Pass


It really will

‘This too shall pass’ were the best four words I heard in my early days of motherhood – not! They were even harder to swallow when they came from people who didn’t have children of their own therefore had never been where I was! 2019 for me was a year full of navigating life as a mum of two-under-two, post-partum depression and struggling to find (and then accept) the support I needed. It certainly did not feel like that season would pass – but my goodness, it sure did. Now I find myself enveloped by the joys of primary school, where both my children are off building friendships and experiencing life for themselves, and I find I’m not needed quite as much. What a turnaround in, truthfully, a very short period of time.

In those early years I was quick to dismiss the words ‘this too shall pass’ from well-meaning people in my life; however, if I look back and really take note of God’s presence in that season, He too was whispering those words to me. Psalm 30:5b states that ‘weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning’ (ESV).

2 Corinthians 12:9 says: ‘But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”’, and boy do we all have weak seasons where we need His grace to simply make it through the day.

Cling to His promise in 2 Corinthians 4 because whatever season of ‘ministry’ you find yourself in, He has called you, will equip you and will sustain you to get through it! And I promise, it really will pass.


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This Too Shall Pass

While these exact words are not found in the Bible, the general message is. Seasons come and go, uncomfortable situations don’t last forever, but be encouraged by the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians 4:17 that say our present troubles are small and won’t last very long! Take heart, read these devotionals and be encouraged that God will be with you always!
