Following Christ预览

Following Christ


Followers Follow
by: Shana Schutte

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23

Follow. Did you feel some emotion when you read that word? Maybe if you were treated poorly by someone you followed—or were made to follow—the word “follow” conjures up feelings of anxiety, fear, or resentment. But if you have followed someone who treated you well and with kindness, perhaps the word made you to feel safe, loved, and happy.

The Lord has called all of His kids to follow Him but for our good and never to harm us. And, following Him as Lord is one of the signs that we really love Him.

In Luke 6:46, Jesus asks, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?’”

To follow Jesus through obedience reveals we believe He is Lord of our lives and that we love Him.

And, in John 14:15 Jesus says, “If you love me, keep my commands.”

Followers follow the Master.

One thing that can keep anyone from being a good follower and obeying the Lord is a lack of humility…an “I can do it without God” attitude, or an “I-already-know-all-the-answers” perspective. (I’ve totally been there. How about you?)

Believing we have already heard it all, that we know what is best for our lives, or that we can do it without Jesus will keep us from hearing His voice and listening to His instruction.

When we are at our best as followers of Christ, we know Who is in charge and we know that we are not Him. We are aware that we don’t have all the answers. We know that we can’t do our lives alone. This keeps our hearts open and soft, which gives us ears to hear what the Master is saying.

In Mark 8:18 when the disciples failed to understand the miracle of the loaves and fishes, He asked them, “Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear?” Hardness of heart which can be rooted in pride and unbelief can make us blind to what the Master wants us to do. This will keep us from following Him.

During some of the most spiritually inspirational times of my life, the Lord has allowed my plans to flop. Then, when He spoke to me to show me His plans, I could hear Him. My heart had been softened through disappointment. It was then that pride wasn’t standing in the way of me following Him.

Are you ready to listen to Jesus? Are you ready to follow Him with your whole heart? Are you ready to allow Him to have His way in your life? (Galatians 6:7)

Confess to the Lord if you have been dulled of hearing and haven’t been following Hm.

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Following Christ

Playing follow-the-leader was a fun childhood game, but it often left us wondering how much we could really trust our leader. When it comes to following Christ, however, we aren't following blindly. While we may not always know where He's leading us, we can trust His plan with every step we take.
