Shaped by Grace Part 2 - Lose the Lies & Gain God's Truth预览

Shaped by Grace Part 2 - Lose the Lies & Gain God's Truth


Forever a Learner

Lose the lie: “I’m not very smart.”

I got in trouble in the third grade for whispering to a friend after the entire class was strictly told to not utter another word. I promise you; my teacher knew how to read lips. My whisper of a voice was inaudible, yet he caught me in the act. That night as I cried to my mom, I wrote my punishment in the form of a 300-word themed paper, repeating these words line by line, “I will not talk in class.”

Recently, God reminded me that I’m not the child in trouble anymore, and I need to stop marching myself to the principal’s office. When He told me that, I was shocked! I didn’t know I was subconsciously doing it. How about you? Has there been a time in your life when you felt like you were constantly in trouble?

There are incidents or people in your life that implied you were dumb, unintelligent, or not worthy. It came to the point when every time I opened my mouth, I felt like I didn’t add value to the conversation. I’ve since realized this was a lie, pure garbage, and total nonsense. Recognize that our minds are a powerful resource to manage.

Do we secretly believe what the world says about us, or do we believe God’s Word? We can spend our entire lives either dwelling in the shadows of lies or living in the exciting journey of God’s truth. That’s why it’s crucial we listen to our heavenly Teacher, the Holy Spirit, and believe God’s Word as it is written. Let’s be students who are always listening and taking daily notes to learn of Him. It will change your life for the better and help you manage your thoughts.

Gain God’s Truth: We must rid ourselves of toxic lies and think higher thoughts like God does. Many times, we must forgo our own understanding to be available for whatever the Lord teaches and leads us to do. To be led by the Holy Spirit we must be totally submitted! Pray for the desire to lend your mind to God’s Word. I manage my mind to think as a beloved daughter of the Highest God and co-labor like an heir to our King. Believe His Word; there’s no room for doubt. It’s not allowed in the Palace!

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Shaped by Grace Part 2 - Lose the Lies & Gain God's Truth

There are times when we are caught up in lies and deception. Those lies can accumulate in our minds and influence our actions. This plan offers solid help to recognize those lies and addictive habits and rid your mind of them for good! We are shaped by God's grace and must believe the truth of what His Word says about who we are. This is part two Shaped By Grace.
