Open Doors. Open Hearts.预览

Open Doors. Open Hearts.


A way of life.

God cares for his people through his people.

In this series, we have reflected on some examples of hospitality found in the Bible and the call to extend hospitality without grumbling and with generosity, not only to our own guests but also to saints and strangers.

As believers and part of the Body of Christ, we reflect Christ’s likeness and God’s love when we offer hospitality generously. Imagine a world where we are all devoted to opening doors, to honouring others above ourselves and sharing with one another!

Hospitality is more than an occasional practice; it is a way of life. Romans 12:9-21 outlines the characteristics of Christian hospitality. It requires our time, finances, our skills and other resources to be shared with kindness and respect. It demands sacrifice. It is love in action.

Scripture tells us that Jesus, his disciples, and the prophets were welcomed into many homes with love, courtesy and extraordinary kindness.

Martha and Mary offered generous hospitality to Jesus (Luke 10:38-42). Priscilla and Aquila welcomed Paul (Acts 18:2-3). Sarah and Abraham showed hospitality to their visitors (Genesis 18:1-8). Tabitha showed kindness through her deeds (Acts 9:36), and Boaz exhibited exceptional generosity and kindness towards Ruth (Ruth 2:8-16). The list goes on.

The Bible is the foundation of Christian living, and from the multitude of examples shared in the Word of God, we can learn that practicing hospitality means accepting people, sharing with them, providing for their needs according to God’s mercy, and treating them with respect.

We praise God for the Church, who practices hospitality with generous hands among those in need, in suffering communities, and to refugees. And all to bring glory, honour, and praise to God so that people may know the saving grace of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. This should be our ultimate goal.

Hospitality can be lived out by individuals, with others in our families, workplaces and communities, and certainly within the Church. But let us never try to do it on our own. Let us depend upon God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit as we open our doors and our hearts to others in love.

For reflection:

Are we truly practicing hospitality with love, compassion, and generosity, or are we merely going through the motions without heartfelt intention?

A prayer for today:

Dear Heavenly Father, in your mercy and love, may we offer hospitality to all, with generosity for your glory and honour, for your Kingdom’s sake, in the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name.


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Open Doors. Open Hearts.

With open doors and open hearts, we can welcome others into a space where they are seen, loved and valued. Into a space where they can meet with Jesus and discover the fullness of life as God intended. In this eight-day plan, take a closer look at examples and stories of hospitality found in the Bible and reflect on how you can practice hospitality well with your own life.
