Mindsets That Hurt v Heal预览

Mindsets That Hurt v Heal



Philippians 4:8 tells us to fix our thoughts on what is true. However, we live in a world that no longer declares absolute truth. Truth is whatever individuals determine it to be. Truth has become personal—my truth. This is one of the core reasons anxiety levels worldwide have gone through the roof. Anxiety is always about uncertainty. When the truth is not consistent but ever-changing, how does one live a confident life?

Imagine driving down a highway in the middle of the night and not knowing if you are meant to drive on the left or right. Imagine the rules of your favourite sport changed depending on who was the referee that day. Imagine the laws of the land changed regularly, overnight, with no warnings, and if broken would result in imprisonment. Imagine if the prices of food changed based on the teller's discretion. Imagine how uncertain and anxiety-inducing life would be.

Hebrews 6:17-18 tells us that God can't lie that He is unchanging and consistent. Hebrews 13:8 tells us that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. In a consistently inconsistent world, trusting an unseen God with certainty is comforting. Knowing that nothing can separate us from His love is deeply encouraging to hold onto the uncertainty of this life here on earth.


  • What places or people trigger uncertainty for you?
  • What impact does living with uncertainty have on you?
  • What struggles do you have with believing that God is unchanging?
  • How do you think placing your hope in the certainty of God would change your emotional experiences?


Jesus, thank You that You are the same, yesterday, today and forever. Thank You that I can trust Your promise and oath, as You can't lie. Help my unbelief as I seek to align my heart and mind to trusting fully in You. Amen.

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Mindsets That Hurt v Heal

This reading plan examines six mindsets that hurt rather than heal. Romans 12:2 tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. The mind is the enemy's battlefield; owning this space is crucial to finding healing and wholeness.
