Daily Bible Reading—July 2024, God’s Guiding Word: Mercy and Forgiveness预览
July 21
Joel 2:1–17: The book of the prophet Joel likely comes from the fifth or fourth century B.C. during the time of the Persian Empire. In chapter 1, the prophet describes a terrible invasion of locusts accompanied by a devastating drought. In today’s reading, the prophet likens the swarm of locusts to an invading enemy army, and he conveys the LORD’s call for the people to repent of their sins.
Today’s Key Verse: Joel 2:13b
Come back to the LORD your God. He is kind and full of mercy; he is patient and keeps his promise; he is always ready to forgive and not punish.
The prophet interprets the advancing army of locusts as a warning that the day of the LORD is approaching. How does he describe the day of the LORD (verses 1–11)? What are the people asked to do (verses 12–17)? In verses 14 and 15, the people are called to fast and gather together. What is the significance of this?
Lord God, you are patient and kind and full mercy. Whenever I stray from your teachings, you call me to return to you, ready to welcome and forgive me. I offer you my repentant heart, trusting in your mercy and steadfast love. Amen.
Tomorrow’s Reading
Joel 2:18–32: The LORD will make the land fertile again.
Daily Bible Reading helps you build consistent interaction with Scripture. Background, key verses for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and prayers prompted by today’s passage all help you connect with God and others. Journey with us this month and explore the theme “God’s Guiding Word: Mercy and Forgiveness"