
Father Make Us One

“that they may all be one; just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.” John 17:21

It is remarkable that when Jesus prayed for all the disciples and all the Christians everywhere, He prayed for unity. Yes, God sent Jesus to the earth to restore the broken relationship between God and man. God has placed in the heart of mankind the desire to live in unity with others. This unity will produce synergy and enable mankind to be overcomers and achievers. Sadly, Satan knew the potential of unity and has ever since tried his best to divide people, causing disharmony.

When husband and wife live in unity, we can, without a word, tell the world about the love of God, who sent His Son to the earth to save mankind. When every single husband and wife live in Oneness – there will be oneness in the church – the church is, after all, a group of families. Often, we see families that are not in one spirit at home, causing a lot of problems in the church. What happens in the church often reflects what is happening in the home. Family unity will overflow into church unity; church unity will have an impact on society. When the body of Christ stays united, the spread of the Gospel will be faster and easier.

Jesus prayed that we would be one, just like God and Jesus are one. When husband and wife are one, they will reflect the oneness of God—becoming one and staying together as one is spiritual. So, allowing the Holy Spirit to do this in our lives is our duty. Oneness begins with the spirit yielded to God. When both husband and wife are yielded to the work of the Holy Spirit, He will make us one.

The more we yield to the Holy Spirit, the things of the flesh and the world will diminish. The more we obey the Holy Spirit and shut down the flesh, the more we will become like Jesus. We can then demonstrate God’s unconditional, forgiving, unselfish, and compassionate love to the broken world.

Abundant life is the outcome of a marriage totally yielded to the rule and reign of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Let us shake off every unwanted thing in our life that is causing strife and desire to become one, not by our willpower but by the power of the Holy Spirit.

A marriage experiencing oneness would become a message to the broken world that becoming one is possible through God and that Jesus can save, heal, and restore troubled marriages. Our marriage can become a powerful weapon in God’s hands. Let’s desire to be one with God and our spouse, and may God fulfill His purposes through our unified lives.

Prayer: Dear Father, we want to pray the prayer of Jesus: Father, make us one so that the world may know You sent Your Son. May our lives display Your love and Your glory to this broken and dark world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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“God has joined together” (Matthew 19:6), and “the two shall become one” (Genesis 2:24). The Word of God emphasizes the ‘Oneness’ between husband and wife as fundamental to marriage. However, man and woman cannot become one by their self-efforts. We need skills inspired by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, not worldly wisdom. Join us as we explore God's Word on 'Oneness.'
