True North: LIVE Free 30 Days预览

True North: LIVE Free 30 Days


The Heart of a Man

If posing is hiding because of the fear of exposure, the hope of Jesus is freedom through exposure. Transparency and authenticity are the proverbial kryptonite to posing.

Let me share some very transparent moments from my posing in the past. For the first 15 years of my marriage, I was convinced that I had married the “wrong” woman. I used that excuse to justify a pornography addiction and numerous affairs. This was just how deep and deceptive my pose had become… I would be with another woman during the day and turn right around and teach 4th & 5th grade AWANA’s at our church that evening.

When I finally let go of the pose and came clean with a group of men who loved me enough to hold me accountable, freedom entered into my life. I could breathe. I had never really experienced freedom in Christ and it was glorious. Living with the pose was like having a boat anchor chained around my neck. Transparency and authenticity let that anchor loose and it sank to the depths of the ocean. I remember thinking “this is what free air smells like.”

Find a group of men that you can trust, or maybe just one guy, and let go of the pose. Trust God that He will honor your transparency.

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True North: LIVE Free 30 Days

LIVE Free: 30 Days is a reading plan intended to offer freedom to the hearts of men. Each day will challenge and invite you into the journey to walk with God, engage in the larger story, and live free. You are not abandoned. You do have an enemy. You have a Rescuer. Some content in LIVE Free: 30 Days was developed from Wild At Heart Ministries resources.
