Suffering Successfully预览

Suffering Successfully


Perseverance in Suffering

Perseverance is the continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition; the action or condition or an instance of persevering; steadfastness.

Can we persevere in suffering? Absolutely. It’s a matter of being persistent in seeking The Lord each and every day of our lives, despite how we feel. It’s about pursuing Righteousness and looking for what God is trying to teach you within this fiery trial of suffering. It teaches you to be more like Christ and reach others for Him with your testimony.

We can’t just be pursuing while we are suffering. God is not to be treated like He’s merely Fire insurance but as a Loving Father with whom we crave a relationship and revere. God expects us to seek Him each day. Sometimes, I must seek Him countless times throughout my day and seemingly all day long on struggling days.

Sometimes, the suffering we are to endure is a test. And often, The Teacher is silent during the test… ever-present but silent. This is when the work we have (or have not) put into our minds and hearts through study shows itself for what it is.

Continuous effort must be applied to persevere and pass the fiery trial. It is in the passing of it that our test can become a testimony!

Maybe you’re like me, and you feel you have “failed God” too many times for a pass out of your particular trial. There’s good news! God is the God of second, third, fourth, and sometimes 70X7 chances! Keep working on pressing toward the mark for the prize of God (Phil 3:14)!

When we come to Christ in humility, repentance for any and all willful and/or hidden sins, with reverence, thankfulness, and willingness to obey, He will make a way where there seems no way in your suffering.

Honestly, I don’t always desire to open my Bible, study, and pray. However, I have developed the habit so that when it’s difficult, I still do it. That’s perseverance. Out of that perseverance, I get nuggets of gold to carry with me throughout that day, that sustain me in my suffering. You CAN persevere, too! Let’s DO THIS!

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Suffering Successfully

Suffering successfully isn’t by chance. It’s a process facilitated by the Holy Spirit when we seek Him during the pain. We’ll pursue God’s Heart together, so there’s no parking in the dark season. Flowing, flourishing, and fanning into flames His Power onto others out of the ashes is the goal. God will make beauty out of those ashes! Your pain is not wasted!
