Waiting Through Advent With Isaiah预览

Waiting Through Advent With Isaiah


Remember to sit quietly and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you as you read.

Explain the situation facing the people of Judah and Jerusalem.

In verse 12, Isaiah tells them that their guides have led them astray. This is a theme in both Isaiah and Jeremiah.

Who is your “guide”?

Matthew chapter 15:13 Jesus tells His disciples to:

Leave the Pharisees. They are blind guides. If one blind person leads another blind person, both of them will fall into a pit.”

How can you ensure that you have a guide who is leading you towards the Lord and not a “blind guide” that Jesus condemns?

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Waiting Through Advent With Isaiah

As we head into the season of Advent, it’s easy to be swept away with all the plans of Christmas, family times, food, and gifts. It's also full of emotions, pain, and loss for many of us. Advent is a season of waiting. Trusting in a good God who holds our times and seasons. Advent. Wait. Hope.
