
For the Better预览

For the Better


Better Promises

"But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises." – Hebrews 8:6 ESV

λειτουργίας/leitourgias: a public spiritual function; ministry

Why It Matters
Fred Bauer was a chemist who invented something most of us have utilized. However, he didn’t invent a new compound or even something that could be considered an object; Bauer invented a new way to store and ship potato chips when he invented the Pringles stack! He was so proud of this accomplishment that when he died in 2008, his request was that his ashes would be stored in a Pringles can. Over the course of a 50-year career, this man’s legacy was cemented by one single accomplishment.

It’s easy for us to assume that the role of priest in the temple was simply to sacrifice for the sins of people. However, the responsibilities of their leitourgias (ministry, public function) went far beyond this one aspect. These priests also served as intercessors, gave instruction to the people, and nurtured the spiritual life of the nation. These duties had to be performed daily or the people would be perilously disconnected from God.

When Jesus obtained His leitourgias He would need to fulfill the same functions, but He would turn them on their heads. Not only did His Death and Resurrection mean that sacrifices are completed, as One who lives forever, Jesus makes constant intercession for us! This means that what He promises He has already delivered on, and not even death itself can change that!

I’m grateful for the reminder, God, that You have better promises in store for me. I give You the things that I once thought would provide the life I dreamed of, and eagerly wait to hear what You have to say to me.

When will I spend time silent in God’s Presence?

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For the Better

“It’s better this way”… “You’ll be better off”… We’ve all heard these words of encouragement from people who love us, but we don’t always believe them to be true. As we explore the richness of Scripture, the author of He...


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