The Wellness Revelation 21-Day Journey预览

The Wellness Revelation 21-Day Journey


Rest In His Strength and Sufficiency


The definition of sufficiency is “the quality or state of being sufficient: adequacy.”

You experience it when you are comfortably full after eating and have no hunger or want and when you are satisfied in each moment. When you live from a place of satisfaction rooted in Jesus, circumstances have no power to define your worth.

Our God is the God of sufficiency. He is about meeting our needs without giving us everything we want. He knows that if left to our own devices, we would never know when to say, “Enough!” At our core, we are selfish and greedy people. Why do you think Eve believed the lie? So that she and Adam could have what God has. They were not satisfied with not having it all.

None of us will ever be enough or have enough apart from God. The vacuum that God has placed in all of our hearts leaves us wanting and seeking more and more. Yet apart from Him, we will never fully be satisfied.

Eventually, this leaves us either soft and broken or hard-hearted. The broken and humble in heart can turn to a God who can satisfy. And the hard-hearted are devastated when they fall off the pedestal of self.

But God’s strength is enough for you, and He is your sufficiency. God wants you to be holy and whole, which requires you to be mindful and wholehearted as you find your sufficiency in Christ.


Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-9. What does sufficiency mean for you? In what way is your battle for health and wholeness not just about your weaknesses but about God’s strength?

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The Wellness Revelation 21-Day Journey

Adapted from an eight-week faith and fitness Bible study written by Alisa Keeton, The Wellness Revelation 21-Day Journey offers daily devotions on eight topics essential to true and lasting weight loss – wellness that is...


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